
Mossley Hill Church treats accessibility as a priority and we have worked hard to try to make our Church and Hilltop Centre accessible to all.

Our car park has designated bays for those with a disability. There is single level access from this car park to The Hilltop Centre which adjoins the church from which there is direct single level access through to church. There is a ramp for direct access into church.

Both our buildings have accessible toilets with baby changing facilities which are all level access.

Most of the church is on a single level and the church itself is a large open space with chairs rather than pews. We are able to move chairs around if required to accommodate mobility vehicles/ wheelchairs.

For the hard of hearing, we have a sound amplification system that includes a loop system for those with hearing aids. There is a portable system for use in the church hall, please speak with a steward on how to access this.

We have magnifying glasses available for the visually impaired and some services have large print booklets available too.

We are in the process of creating a sensory space for our neuro diverse children. 

If you are planning a visit to our church and would like to ensure a disabled car parking space is available, please contact the church office or 07544882529.